If you've been naughty, watch out for Kid Krampus!
More Instagram Goodies
It would probably help if I linked to it
So after posting that last entry, I realized I didn't even link to Instagram. Go Me! So here's one of my images linked back to its page on http://instagr.am/

Have you caught the Instagram bug yet?
I gotta admit, when I first saw friends posting pics with this new photo sharing app, my initial reaction was something like, "Oh please, not another social-photo network." For some reason, though, I gave it a shot, and now it's almost always open, or at least running in the background. It's even supplanted Bejeweled Blitz as my go to bathroo- er, time-killer app.
As a fairly new photo-sharing/social-networking app, it's got some very active members; all of whom seem to share the giddy buzz of being part of not just a new social network, but of being a part of a network that focuses on their favorite social networking features (ie photo-sharing, interactivity, ease of use), while keeping things simple. The interface is clean and intuitive, and it's easy to get sucked right in! Already, I've learned about some apps to help me further explore my iPhone photography.
Being pretty new, I haven't come across any trolls (yet), though I have stumbled across an argument. Another hallmark of a photo-sharing network with a bunch of new users: flowers, pets, sunrises/sunsets, and babies.
For the most part, though, it's people learning to take better photos with the camera they have most readily at hand. And who doesn't want to see better mobile phone photos? ;-)

I hope I survive the week
- 8mm (2)
- apps (1)
- austin (1)
- balboa park (2)
- Best Camera (2)
- california (2)
- camerabag (4)
- cameraphone (1)
- charter school (2)
- Chase Jarvis (1)
- cooperative (1)
- coupe de ville (1)
- dominoes (1)
- downtown (1)
- education (2)
- fauxlaroids (1)
- Flickr (1)
- guitar (1)
- halloween (1)
- Instagram (1)
- iphone (10)
- iPhone-tography (1)
- iphone4 (2)
- iphonetography (9)
- lego (1)
- Misfit Roller Girls (1)
- mobile photography (1)
- music (1)
- nexvio (2)
- old cars (1)
- old town (1)
- Orange County (1)
- Otay Mesa (1)
- photo shake down (2)
- photo-sharing (1)
- photogene (2)
- photography (1)
- public school (1)
- public schools (1)
- Pummelvision (1)
- Renegade Roller Girls (1)
- Roller Derby (1)
- san diego (6)
- sandiego (2)
- shake it photo (3)
- Skate San Diego (1)
- social-networking (1)
- sunflowers (2)
- sunset (1)
- video (2)
Blog Archive
- My Instagram Wordle
- If you've been naughty, watch out for Kid Krampus!
- I love how this unintentionally mimics the Equalit...
- I love how this unintentionally mimics the Equalit...
- Late night Instagram-ing
- If you've been naughty, watch out for Kid Krampus!
- ¡Merpy ChristmaHanukKwanSolstice!
- Music Day
- 3(17+83)=18
- More Instagram Goodies
- Rabbittitis
- The Big Bay :: 13 Dec 10
- Shelter Island :: 12 Dec 10
- Hello, December
- We are our past. We are our future.
- Paintball mode: ON
- It would probably help if I linked to it
- Have you caught the Instagram bug yet?
- Sunrise
- I hope I survive the week
- Shut Up and Get In The Chair
- Hollister Pond #OVRP