
Posted by E'l Roy Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 12:23 AM
My name is Emil, and I like to take pictures.

I started with a completely manual 35mm film (remember that stuff?) camera. When the cost of processing and developing became too much for me, I had to put the camera away. It wasn't until a couple years later that I got my first digital camera--a chunky point-and-shoot that saw a lot of use. A year or so after that, I upgraded to a slimmer, higher MP point-and-shoot. That camera saw even more action, but by this time, I was really missing the manual control I had with a SLR.

Now I shoot with a solid, (once) top-of-the-line dSLR, and I absolutely love it.

A funny thing happened, though, a few months ago, when I broke down and finally got an iPhone. Not counting the high-speed shutter on my dSLR, I have been taking more photos with my iPhone in the last 90 days than with my main camera.

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