This Week in iPhonetography
The Beatles Never Broke Up...
I came across this site via a link someone posted as a comment on a friend's Facebook status. I was curious enough to follow the link, considering the context of the status update (which had to do with the song, "Bette Davis Eyes," and serial killers), and came upon this gem. It truly is one of those bits of InterWeb flotsam that you only find by stumbling upon it.
I didn't read the whole story, but I did listen to the first track. As I am a big fan of mashups, I was instantly hooked. I haven't heard the rest of the tracks, yet, but I have high expectations.
Posted via web from Emil Brown [dot] Posterous

New project to be announced in January!
Yesterday, I met with Joseph Aleo ( to discuss and begin planning an exciting project that will be announced and launched in January. Stay tuned for news and updates on this project, and I may even DM you for contributions!
Posted via web from iPhone Obscura

Adobe releases iPhone app
If you see anything weird... You mean like those Burger King commercials?
John Meeks Live On KUSI
15 yrs ago I sold my guitar to this guy. Here he is on TV w/ that guitar.
Posted via web from Emil Brown [dot] Posterous

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Blog Archive
- Darkness Falls Across the Land
- Darkness Falls Across the Land
- This Week in iPhonetography
- The Beatles Never Broke Up...
- Full QWERTY keyboard texting device
- New project to be announced in January!
- Jumping in with both feet
- Adobe releases iPhone app
- Adobe releases iPhone app
- Petal pushing
- If you see anything weird... You mean like those B...
- 2 October 09
- John Meeks Live On KUSI
- More Best Camera photos
- Interesting Flora
- 1October. The transformation has begun.